Tag: girls in the family

The Mortgage: Your Parents Are Not Your Enemy

The Mortgage: Your Parents Are Not Your Enemy

Considering the voices against him and the thinking of people towards him in the society, the fear of the generation of the girls of today’s generation has been frightened that society does not have to say anything to them, or do anything with their own will. They also feel that their own family is against them. Which is okay to some extent but it is not so everywhere.

Even today there are many families where girls have full freedom, but the girls suffer from the mentality that if they raised their voices, they would probably have been treated badly. As has been done before. This filmĀ The Mortgage: Your Parents Are Not Your Enemy is based on the same thinking.

This thing can not be denied, in society today, girls do not have the right to live with their own will. If a girl thinks that she lives her life according to her own accord, she has to bear the insult by her own family. This situation has been depicted in The Mortgage: Your Parents Are Not Your Enemy.

Our society has made girls Mortgage to such an idea that they do not accept their freedom. The characters of this filmĀ The Mortgage: Your Parents Are Not Your Enemy have been set up on the basis of this thinking. This film The Mortgage gives an extremely important message for every girl and her family.